05 June 2007

Where is this???

Looking at this picture one may think this is was taken in Italy. I will admit I was in Milan at the beginning of May but this was in fact taken in Dupont Circle in Washington D.C. I used to work at this restaurant and this was our patio. The view was good and the palm trees made it feel as though you were somewhere tropical and fun.

24 April 2007

Taking A Break

I am taking a break for an unspecified amount of time. I have done over 100 pictures which was my original goal. I love photography and I have had a great time sharing it. I am planning on returning I just need to take some time to read a good book and to not have to think about posting a picture. Thank you to all who have visited and left comments. I will be posting again soon.

Au revoir


21 April 2007

Another Perspective

This is another shot from the top of the Washington monument in Washington D.C. This the world famous White House!!! My previous post of the Lincoln memorial would be to the left if you can envision that.

20 April 2007

Someone Special

This was taken in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. There is a large number of steps that lead down to the river so I am shooting looking up towards Ann. A very simple shot but I like it probably because we had a great evening and the sunset was beautiful, what more can I say Ann is a lot of fun to be with.

19 April 2007

Washington Monument Base

I think the title pretty much covers what I would say about this picture. Oh, there are 50 flags, one for each state!!

18 April 2007

My 100th Post!!!!

Well I made it-I have posted 100 photographs on my blog every single day without missing one. I want to thank everyone who has stopped by to look at my pictures.
This being my 100th picture it grabbed my attention because of the nice warm light, dark red frame and of course the elephant!!! Abstract is what I enjoy shooting the most, thanks again!!

17 April 2007

The World Passing By

This is Violet looking at the great outdoors-she is also known as Sneaky Pete because she likes to sneak out the door so fast you don't even realize it. Ah so close to the outdoors yet so far away!!!

16 April 2007

View From Up High

This is the view from the top of the Washington monument looking at Virginia which is on the other side of the Potomac river. The Lincoln memorial is at the very end and the World War II memorial is the circular stone structure down towards the bottom middle of the photograph.

15 April 2007

Washington Monument

This is the Washington monument in Washington D.C. The white stone of the monument and the blue sky were just amazing when I took this picture.

14 April 2007


Continuing on my flag theme this shot was taken at the base of The Washington monument in Washington D.C. The Flags actually go around the entire base, 50 in total.

13 April 2007

U.S. Capitol Window

As I was making my way up to the top of the dome of the U.S. Capitol building I went past this window and saw the U.S. flag flapping in the wind. I really like window shots such as this photo especially when the glass is old and wavy.

12 April 2007

Smokey the Cat

This is my diabetic cat Smokey. He gets 2 shots a day to help keep his blood sugar in line, of course I can't say much last year I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes--I digress.... I like this picture because he looks as though he is pondering the great out doors from 10 floors up. He also looks a bit funny as I take the shaver to both of my cats because their fur is just way too long!!!

11 April 2007

U.S. Capitol Rotunda & Sky

A while back I got the opportunity to go on a tour of the U.S. Capitol building. This was not the average tour, it was a tour of the dome and the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol building. This was one of the photographs that I walked away with. This was taken at almost the top of the capitol building and as high as we could go!!

10 April 2007

Cherry Blossoms & The Washington Monument

I really like this picture of the Cherry blossoms and the Washington monument. I could not seem to get a shot off that didn't include people--but I still like the picture.

09 April 2007

Baby Cherry Trees

These are the future Cherry trees to be planted around the tidal basin. Someday their glory will be like their larger counter parts in the background!! Big and beautiful!!

08 April 2007


Last Week when I went to take pictures of the Cherry blossoms this is what I got. The sun rising over the Jefferson memorial in front of the tidal basin. Sometimes luck plays a part in what you capture and this was one of those moments.

07 April 2007

Fire Side Chat

I took this photo at the FDR memorial in Washington D.C. This bronze statue represents the fire side chats (as they were called) that were given by Franklin Roosevelt during WWII. He would update them on the status of the war since CNN had yet to be invented!!! Notice where all the kids are sitting on this sculpture--his knees are well worn!!

06 April 2007

FDR Memorial--Bread Line

This is another image from the FDR memorial. These bronze statues represent the Great Depression in the United States right before and leading into WWII. If it had not been for WWII who knows how long the depression would have lasted here in the U.S. Of course when I look at this image it can be hard to feel the loss and pain when the cherry blossoms look so beautiful in the background!!!

05 April 2007

More of the FDR Memorial

Take a good look at each of the tiles depicting a different scene. I think they are all pretty interesting and I love the different colors caused by weathering.

04 April 2007

Brick Tree

I am always looking for an interesting picture and I think I found it when I got this shot. I find myself looking at buildings, reflections people and light more than I ever have before. I guess all that looking finally paid of!!!

03 April 2007

Cherry Blossoms No. 1

Every year in Washington D.C. the Cheery blossoms come out and of course so do the tourists. This picture was taken at the tidal basin with the Jefferson memorial in the background. I also took this shot to show how many people were out taking pictures and this does not even represent it very accurately. If you include me there are 6 people taking pictures from this one spot. I hope to get some closer pictures of the Cherry blossoms today. When I took this picture they were not at their peek yet. We shall see!!!

02 April 2007

01 April 2007

FDR Memorial

I was in Washington D.C. this morning taking pictures of the cherry blossoms. While they are not at their peak yet they were quite beautiful. If you decide to visit D.C. during the cherry blossom time go early, otherwise you may not really enjoy it--too many people!! This picture above is from the Franklin Delano Roosevelt memorial which is right by the tidal basin and all the cherry blossoms hence the reason I was able to get this cool picture. Hopefully tomorrow I will be posting a cherry blossom picture but until then enjoy this picture.

31 March 2007

Lots of Daffs

Old Town has so much to offer and right now it happens to be flowers. Please take a moment to check out my daffodil picture.

30 March 2007

Don't Wear Shorts!!!!

I saw this cool looking bench when I was walking around Old Town. I love the linear look and the beam of sun light going accross it. When summer arrives this bench is not only going to leave lines on the back of your legs it is going to get hot. People who sit in shorts will look as if they were just "branded" with nicely seared bench lines on the back of their legs!!! Even after I wrote that part about searing legs it still looks comfortable.......doesn't it???

29 March 2007

Large Reflection in a Window

I really like capturing a nice reflection in a window!!!!!

27 March 2007

Arched Doorway

Doorways--they are always leading somewhere and I find them fun to photograph. Old town has many interesting doorways. This arched doorway is not very bright but makes up for it in character., au revoir!!

Flower Abstract No.1

I am awful at thinking of good titles so I thought I would name this photo in a similar way that Stuart Davis named his painting that is hanging at the Phillips Collection in Washington D.C. I took this photo on a bright sunny day in Old Town, Alexandria. Through dodging and burning the picture now shows the emotion and feeling that I find enjoyable in photography. I always love doing abstract photography.....au revoir!!!!

26 March 2007

The Flower Show Begins

Yesterday was a beautiful day in Northern Virginia and the flowers were out. I went to Old Town and started taking pictures and got quite a few that I will be posting in the days to come. I am not sure of the name of these flowers but they grown on what I call a Tulip tree, I say this because the flowers look like Tulips. The back drop is Christ Church which I have photographed and posted here before. Looking forward to your comments--Dave

25 March 2007

Waynewood Easter Egg Hunt

Every year Waynewood residents with children bring them to the park for an Easter egg hunt. There are three different age groups for hunting the eggs. The youngest kids look for their eggs in the tennis court area. The group that I have photographed is between 4 and 6 years of age. The plastic eggs are scattered all over the grass, when the whistle is blown kids run all around with their baskets scooping up as many eggs as possible. There are probably 200 hundred eggs on the ground along with other goodies--with in 2 minutes everything has been picked up, it is quite amazing to watch kids cleanup so fast!!!

24 March 2007

Potomac River at Night

This is a night shot from a couple of weeks ago. This is the Potomac river, in the background you can see the Wilson bridge and that streaking light is from the strobe of an airplane getting ready to land at National Airport.

23 March 2007


There is nothing like looking a nice little steam and some smooth rocks to make you think of relaxation. Or it could be that it is Friday either way relax!!!

22 March 2007

Post Mistress Reserved Parking

Who knew that being a being the head of a Post Office came with parking perks!! This is not even D.C. or New York where the parking sucks. I will admit I did have to stop and actually read what the sign said--because I have never heard of a Post Mistress. Like I said who knew, not me!!!

21 March 2007

Spring Is Officially Here

I am posting another picture of flowers to celebrate the official arrival of spring. Of course this does not take the threat of snow away but we are putting some distance into the likelihood that it will snow. Enough talk of snow!!! Anyways happy spring to everyone!!!

20 March 2007

Red Door

Here is a closer shot of the front door of the little Seminary Road Post Office. A very nice red door with a worn out sign saying "United States Post Office." What else can I say!!!

19 March 2007

Little Post Office

This is the Alexandria Seminary Road U.S. Post Office. I was trying to find some historical info on it but I have had little luck. This is a very small post office and I know it is very old because they don't make them like this anymore!! The fact that it is still open is amazing.

18 March 2007

Happy Drake!!!

This is my cat Drake, I use the term "my" loosely after all he is a cat!!! Rubbing his cheek bones on corners is one of his most favorite things to do. As you can see by this picture he is in a total blissful state. Life is good!!

17 March 2007

Table & Chairs

It rained all day today and now we are experiencing wintery mix!!!! This photo fits perfectly with todays weather, dreary and out of focus. Sharp crisp photos are what I normally post but I really like the feeling I get from this photograph.

16 March 2007

Mother and Daughter

I really like this picture, it ranks very high on my list of favorites. It was the perfect moment, time was captured for a brief second and what was left over is indescribable. Whenever I need a boost I look at this picture, even when I don't need a boost--I still smile!!!

15 March 2007

St. Patrick's Day is Near

Several weeks ago there was a St.Patrick's day parade in Old Town. I unfortunately missed it because I went hiking instead. When I was driving back this was what was left, people clambering to get a drink--I love it!!! This is nothing compared to what this weekend will be like--It is going to be crazy!!

14 March 2007

Stone Wall

I really enjoy shooting abstract photographs. This photo was taken at Great Falls. Yes, I know it is not Alexandria but it is fairly close. Sometimes I like to mix it up a bit!!!!

13 March 2007

Place Dumpster Here!!!!

Everytime I go to Sportrock to do some indoor rock climbing and yoga I see this dumpster in the parking lot. A little history--there are many car repair shops next to Sportrock and this is one of the car shops dumpsters.
So I am a bit confused. Place the dumpster here is that on the white concrete???? Here could be anywhere but if it was anywhere then it would not be here....hmmmm!!! OK, so I got it, as long as the dumpster is place on the ground where the arrows are pointing.....Then that would be here which could actually be anywhere but then it wouldn't be here...ahhh forget it!!!

12 March 2007

Spring is Near

My significant other (Ann) wrote this poem that compliments my photograph:


I am

A flower

Opening each morning

To the promise of a new day,

My face

Always turning

Toward the sun.

Ann (Jan. 2005)

11 March 2007

Icy Footprints

I forgot that I had this photo and wanted to post it before it was too late, because the flowers are starting to come out in the Virginia and D.C. area. Spring and color is what I will be focusing on in future posts. I am hoping this is my last winter post!!!! We shall see......

09 March 2007

Still Cold Outside But Getting Warmer

We aren't there quite yet but it is getting warmer!!! Those jackets and gloves we are seeing are soo going to be a thing of the past at least until next winter!!

Metro Rail

This is a photo of our subway here in the Washington D.C. area. It is actually stopping at the King Street stop in Alexandria. The Metro or subway runs between Washington D.C., Virginia and Maryland. Most of the time the Metro is a great source of transportation, it is quick, clean and fairly safe. I would recommend it to anyone visiting this area!!!

08 March 2007

Muddy Foot Prints

Last weekend this is what I encountered while spending some time in the great outdoors--lots of mud!!! Yesterday we got another 3 inches of white fluffy snow to create more mud when it melts. I shouldn't complain, I got a great abstract picture I really like and it was unexpected--just like the people who weren't expecting to walk through the mud!!!

07 March 2007

Calming Effect

I really like it when there is fog on the Potomac river because I can usually come away with a nice photograph. The little ripples in the water and the silence in the air create a mental image of peace and relaxation, the way life should be!!

06 March 2007

Lots of Water!!

For starters this photo was taken at Great Falls on the Maryland side, which is about 25 minutes from Alexandria. We have had so much snow and rain (more rain than snow) this is the result. The Great Falls area has a lot of water so much that many of the hiking trails are closed because they are muddy and under water. The water was moving so fast that one could hear boulders hitting each other from the force of the water, it was pretty cool!!

05 March 2007

Fluffy Clouds

Life can often be like the clouds in the sky; one minute they're here the next they're gone. This winter has not presented many days with nice clouds that I have wanted to photograph, when I looked up and saw these I had to capture them. Shortly after I got this picture the sky got somewhat gray and a big nondescript mass moved in. The clouds passing by reminds me of life--always moving!!!

04 March 2007

It's About to Rain in Color!!!

As promised I am posting the color version of yesterdays post. I like both versions but I think black and white wins. This is the exact same picture I just turned of the layer that made it black and white in Photoshop.