13 April 2007

U.S. Capitol Window

As I was making my way up to the top of the dome of the U.S. Capitol building I went past this window and saw the U.S. flag flapping in the wind. I really like window shots such as this photo especially when the glass is old and wavy.


Fabrizio Zanelli said...

I agree. I like me too to watch through old glasses and the photo is nice :-)

Anonymous said...

Nice shot. Looks like a lot of construction.iaivvuoy

Annie said...

Is that a pool down there? A pool for the Pres and staff?

riniroo said...

I absolutely love this pic! You've captured a "view". Great framing and I too apprecited the old window.

Sally said...

Looks like a giant mattress down there to jump on to! At first i thought it was a pool, too, but it looks puffy.

Dsole said...

Your photo is like if I was there looking thru that window! And cool colours!