08 April 2007


Last Week when I went to take pictures of the Cherry blossoms this is what I got. The sun rising over the Jefferson memorial in front of the tidal basin. Sometimes luck plays a part in what you capture and this was one of those moments.


Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Stunning photo. Those tree in flowers look like frozen and the ensemble it's wonderul

isa said...

Magical scenery!

Deb said...

Luck indeed plays a part, but so does getting up early! Beautiful shot!!

DXBluey said...

Great shot. Love the sunrise, blossom (frost?) effect. Very peaceful, but in a it's morning and there is a whole day ahead way, not a "I'll have a sleep" peaceful way....

irishwanderer said...

Absolutely beautiful -- it almost looks like a painting.

angela said...

This is even more brilliant enlarged, the clouds are dimpled with pink and the trees look like the corps de ballet.