03 April 2007

Cherry Blossoms No. 1

Every year in Washington D.C. the Cheery blossoms come out and of course so do the tourists. This picture was taken at the tidal basin with the Jefferson memorial in the background. I also took this shot to show how many people were out taking pictures and this does not even represent it very accurately. If you include me there are 6 people taking pictures from this one spot. I hope to get some closer pictures of the Cherry blossoms today. When I took this picture they were not at their peek yet. We shall see!!!


Kerry-Anne said...

Well I can see why everyone's out there taking photos - that's an absolutely breathtaking scene!

angela said...

Your photo is glorious, dave. If I lived there I'd be out taking photos too.

Anonymous said...

Very nice photo. Our cherry tree is in the process of passing on. But each year there are more dead branches and an equal number of blossoms.
Brookville Daily Photo
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