07 March 2007

Calming Effect

I really like it when there is fog on the Potomac river because I can usually come away with a nice photograph. The little ripples in the water and the silence in the air create a mental image of peace and relaxation, the way life should be!!


Anonymous said...

Well it certainly limits my cognitive abilities. I had no idea what this was when I first saw it on the portal. Is it calming or does it have a calming effect? It does but not like a tranquil sunset over a lake in the wilderness of Alaska.I like it.

Dave said...

I tweaked my paragraph to better explain what I mean based on what you said, thanks for the nice comment.

Felicia said...

Very nice photo. Calming, but also very Hitchcocky. I imagine that any minute a dragon monster could float through the fog.

angela said...

Yes, very zen but with a slightly menacing feel...anything could come from the water..