01 March 2007

Peeling Off

I want your opinion of this photograph; what do you like and what don't you like about it. I am not going to say anything about it until later tomorrow night.


Dsole said...

I think you have a great eye for taking photographs of objects we don't care about, and it's really a skill to be proud of!
B/W here gives an old touch, I like the texture, it seems very fragile
Something I don't like? err... maybe it's not the kind of photo for a bedside table! ;)

photowannabe said...

I like the texture and the light on the bent part of the leaf. It reminds me of an elephants trunk.

TOG said...

aIt looks like the banana in my back yard

Anonymous said...

Love it - the fact that it is BW removes the distraction of color; it's abstract enough so the viewer isn't quite sure what it is; light and shadow is good; you have an artist's eye. Enjoying your site.