12 March 2007

Spring is Near

My significant other (Ann) wrote this poem that compliments my photograph:


I am

A flower

Opening each morning

To the promise of a new day,

My face

Always turning

Toward the sun.

Ann (Jan. 2005)


Kate said...

Crocus (Croci??)like daffodils are true harbingers of spring. I love it when they peek through the snow!

Pat said...

Lovely poem and fantastic photo. It will be awhile till I see this scene. Still lots of snow has to melt!

Pat's Photos and
Guelph Daily Photo

Dsole said...

Oh it's so nice to see that parks are becoming colourful, it gives a great atmosphere! Nice shot! I wonder if those are really tiny flowers.. Nice poem too!

Mandi said...

Love colourful flowers and a lovely poem. You're right. They do compliment each other.

Anonymous said...

they're perfect together! Wonderful shot!