11 March 2007

Icy Footprints

I forgot that I had this photo and wanted to post it before it was too late, because the flowers are starting to come out in the Virginia and D.C. area. Spring and color is what I will be focusing on in future posts. I am hoping this is my last winter post!!!! We shall see......


Dsole said...

Ok, I think that you have to confess that some minutes before you get this photo you were the one who made this footprints jumping in the snow! ;)
Nice shot Dave!

Kate said...

The photo is highly effective because I can feel the chill!

isa said...

Oh, you are so optimistic! I hope you are right, for your sake ;-)

Funny, I also went with footprints today...

Anonymous said...

glad you did..the lights and snow, the use of b/w perfect combination!

Oya said...

Ohh, that is nice. I am thinking of dogy paws, how they would look like there...