21 February 2007

Hilton Sunset

That big building is the Hilton hotel in Mark Center Alexandria, wow--that was a mouth full!! I got home from work the other day and this is what I saw. A beautiful sunset so I pulled out the camera phone and grabbed a slice of time.


Dsole said...

I can't believe you did it with your cell phone! it's great, wonderful colours for a sunset!

freelancer said...

great colors and shadows !

Deb said...

nice cellphone shot! The silhouette of the street light makes it appear like the building is sticking it's tongue out!

Dave said...

Chris & Deb I noticed that street light yesterday when I was posting the picture but I like your comment asbout it sticking its tongue out.

Dsole, I have a Samsung Blackjack which has a 1.3 mega pixel camera. It does a fairly good job, especially when I don't have the nikon with me!!!

Dsole said...

Thanks Dave. And it's true the street light is just like a tongue, funny

Oya said...

Great colors for a phone camera.

angela said...

Such a beautiful sunset, Dave, and I have to agree about the tongue...