14 February 2007

Cupped Hands Dog Bowl

Over by the Kings Street Metro stop there is an Art Park (or at least that is what the sign says) where I came accross a drinking fountain that was equipped with a dog water bowl. This of course is not your ordinary bowl but rather a childs hand combined with an adults hand to form a cup or bowl for the water. Dogs don't know how good they have it!!!


Fay said...

I am curious where the water comes from. For the thing above the bowl that looks like a water faucet, can you turn it on and get running water?

Dave said...

Yes, at the top of the fountain there is a way to turn on the fresh running water for your dog. Thanks for stopping by.

Rocky Mountain Photo Guy said...

I was about to ask the same question. I guess that any wandering dogs are SOL though.

Fay said...

Hi Dave,
Thanks for leaving a comment at my blog. As for your question, I think the code I gave before has too many < br / > in the code, which results in the extra space. I deleted all the < br / > in the code and tried it in my blog, and it seemed to work. So I edited the code accordingly. You can check back and see if this works for you too.

Dsole said...

Hi there!
It's a beautiful photo! I like it so much, Dave. I love when day-objects are little pieces of art, just like that :)

photowannabe said...

What a great sculpture. I especially like that it is both a child's and adult had. Very clever idea. Useful art.

Kate said...

Very clever fountain!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome!